Currently I'm working through a series of tutorials on Udemy. It's the series you'll have seen on the side bar of your screen on facebook or any other similar site if you've expressed even a remote interest in games development:
It's a full course taking you through understanding how to create almost the whole of Unity with a view to understand C#. It's a great course but it isn't without it's faults.
It's been built for a person using Unity 4.0, not 5.0 or later which is significantly more common these days. So far it hasn't been too difficult to translate btu I believe there are some areas later that get a little confusing.
Personally this hasn't been an issue as I am well versed in Unity and find it easy to navigate already, however I could understand a person who has no experience getting lost.
That said one of my other problems is that as a person with Unity experience there are some times that I find myself dozing off because they are explaining certain things with a level of detail that seems pointless. Perhaps this is necessary for complete beginners, but for me it's tedius. However I can skip forward so Ican't complain too much.
My biggest complaint lies in the quizzes. throughout the course there are a bunch of quizzes ostensibly to make sure you're keeping up, however some of the questions (a lot of them in fact) make it seem more like there are questions for questions sake. I would like proper quizzes which I could fail to make sure for myself that I am understanding and taking everything in. Perhaps a section where it has a piece of code that is broken and I can figure out how to fix it. Alas I find questions such as 'which version of unity are we using' or 'why to we refactor code to be smaller if possible' the answers being '4.0' even though I'm actually using Unity 2017.2.1p2 and 'because it's cleaner.' no technical stuff, nothing useful, just opinion really.
Regardless, it's a really useful course and its fairly cheap. Never pay more than £15 for it. if its higher than that wait and it'll go down in a week, or check on the mobile app and it might be cheaper.
As a foundation I went through these two coding tutorials on linkedin's 'In-Learning'
While the above are all paid for tutorials they are worth the money, especially the udemy course, which has 55 hours of videos, 45 hours of which are actually worth it.
That said you can also get some amazing free tutorials, both for general understanding and for more specific things on Youtube.
I love being a games designer, but it becomes clearer and clearer that even as a games designer you would do very well to learn how to code.
So excited
- James